BJP Leader Assaults Nadia Businessman Assaulted For Donation Denial

Sujoy Joardar at his home on Thursday

Phulia, Sept. 14: A businessman from Nadia’s Phulia who is also known as a social activist, was allegedly thrashed by a BJP mandal committee president and his brother as he refused to shell out money to the party fund, which they demanded to organize a public meeting of party leader Suvendu Adhikari scheduled for Thursday.

Victim Sujan Joardar,  35, a resident of Belgoria village, who owns a battery factory, suffered facial injuries as the BJP leader Pradip and his brother Sudip Sarkar thrashed him ruthlessly on Wednesday evening. 

However, some BJP supporters rescued a bleeding Joardar from the clutches of the two siblings and took him to the local primary health centre for treatment. Hospital sources said he suffered a fracture on his nose and some teeth on the lower jaw were dislocated.

On Thursday Joardar complained with the Santipur police station against the Pradip and Sudip. Police, however, have yet to start a case. 

The incident angered residents, who had a heated argument with the accused BJP leader and his brother when they took a silent exit from the place.

Trouble began last week when Pradeep demanded a handsome donation for Suvendu Adhikari’s Thursday visit to Phulia in connection with the party’s “Meri Mati Meri Desh” programme.

Victim Sujoy Joardar said, “On Wednesday Pradeep and Sudip met me and demanded donation for BJP’s party fund, apparently for Suvendu Adhilari’s programme. But, I as said earlier humbly expressed my inability to donate to any party fund. Principally I never donate to any party fund, which I categorically said. I, however, assured donations for any social cause if they wished. But they began abusing me and when I raised my voice in protest they began punching and kicking me ruthlessly. I could have died unless some BJP supporters rushed in to rescue me”,

Local sources said that Joardar spends a lot for social causes and help needy people with food and other item, which made him quite popular in the area.

Accused BJP leader Pradip Sarkar, however, rubbished the allegations but admitted a scuffle between his brother Sudip and the complainant over some old business issues.

“I separated the duo to avoid any tension, but unfortunately ended up being blamed. The allegation against me of assault is baseless and a complete lie”, Pradip Sarkar said.

“No donation was demanded from Joardar… in fact, there was no need of it at all. We did not collect any donation whatsoever from anybody…it was a small programme and party fund was enough to organize it”, Sarkar added further.

Local BJP MP Jagannath Sarkar also rubbished the allegation claiming it “intended to malign” the party.

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