Three Ranaghat Police Officers Honored with Gallantry Medals on Independence Day

Ranaghat, Aug. 14: In recognition of their extraordinary bravery, three police officers from Bengal have been awarded the prestigious Gallantry Medal on the occasion of the 78th Independence Day. The officers, all from the Ranaghat Police District in Nadia, were honored for their heroic efforts in apprehending a gang of robbers during a daring incident in August 2023.

The Union Home Ministry announced that among the 213 recipients nationwide, three officers from Bengal—Inspector Sanjib Senapati, Sub-Inspector Altab Hossain, and Assistant Sub-Inspector Ratan Kumar Roy—were selected for this prestigious honor.

These awards, which include the Police Gallantry Medal, the President’s Police Medal for Distinguished Service, and the Police Medal for Meritorious Service, are some of the highest recognitions that can be bestowed upon police personnel in India, highlighting their dedication to maintaining law and order and protecting the public.

Kumar Sunny Raj, Superintendent of Police for the Ranaghat Police District, praised the officers for their valor, stating, “It is a matter of great pride and honor for us that all three officers belong to our Police District. Their commitment to public safety has set a high standard for the entire force.”

The incident that led to their recognition occurred on August 29, 2023, when the three officers confronted a gang of robbers who had just looted a jewelry shop in Ranaghat.

As per police records, a Bihar-based gang of eight robbers, in two groups entered the Senco Gold’s showroom located on Mission Road in disguise of customers and decamped with cash and jewelry worth about Rupees one crore. However, alerted by the employees of the shop, a patrolling team of Ranaghat police chased the gang and exchanged fires before they managed to nab four of the robbers. One of the robbers suffered a bullet injury on a leg, but police officials were lucky to remain unhurt despite the miscreants firing eight rounds targeting the cops while trying to flee desperately.

Despite the danger, Assistant Sub-Inspector Ratan Roy courageously confronted the robbers, engaging in a gunfight that resulted in two of the criminals being injured and subsequently apprehended. With the help of residents, the remaining two robbers were later captured by the police. One of the injured robbers later succumbed to his injuries.

Inspector-in-Charge of Ranaghat Police Station, Sanjib Senapati, and the case’s investigating officer, Sub-Inspector Altab Hossain, were also awarded the Gallantry Medal for their swift investigation and effective management of the case, which led to the successful apprehension of the criminals.

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