Kalyani, Jan. 12: Two days 1st Farm Innovation Congress 2018 and National Conference on Innovative Farming For Food and Livelihood Security In Changing climate began in Nadia’s Kalyani on Friday. The Congress has been organized by Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswabidyalaya. Around 200 agriculture scientists across the country would explore ways for security for food and livelihood in the changing climate. The congress was inaugurated by BCKV vice chancellor professor Dharani Dhar Patra. Inaugurating the programme, professor Patra said: “The changing climatic condition making its impact on the agriculture. This is high time we should find ways to protect the yields through innovative ways. Otherwise the farmers in the coming days would suffer serious problem leading poor growth in the agro-economic sector. Our aim is to find a solution and to offer it to the farmers and the country as a whole”
Science Congress To Protect Food In Changing Climate