He, however, lamented that so far the centre has shown no interest to take opinion of any political party on the issue. “So far none want to hear our point on the issue”, he said replying to a question to media persons.
He, however, did not rule out possibility of filing a petition before the supreme court on the alleged deletion of over forty lakh Bengali speaking people from the NRC. He said that time has yet to come to make such move.
“We will announce it at the right moment’, he summarily said. However, later added, “The apex court is being used as a shield by the centre and by the Assam government to gain political mileage, which we will not allow. They made people panicked which cannot be tolerated. We are with the people”.

TMC supporters at JCM School ground
Chatterjee, however, did not make Trinamul’s stand amply clear on the “inftration” issue, even while acknowledging existence of “infiltrators” in the states located close to Bangladesh border. which include West Bengal.
Replying a question about party’s stand on ‘infiltrators’, he said, “We want to ensure the rights of the people who have been living since long in our country on the basis of valid documents like EPIC, Aadhar and others”.
When asked that if even one percent of the allegedly deleted forty lakh bengali after ultimate scrutiny found to be infiltrators, what would be Trinamul’s stand on the issue, Chatterjee said, “Policy of such identification needed to be stremlined and for which we have raised objections. We are not to take the BJP’s formula of division using terms like ‘infiltrator’ and ‘refugee’. We are fed up with such explanation”.
Party MLA Mohua Moitra, meanwhile today proposed to launch door to door campaign in refugee dominated areas in the country. “We will foil BJP’s conspiracy by undertaking such door to door campain, so that none in Bengal is panicked and misled”.
Partha Chatterjee in his speech also apologized from people of Nakashipara Block who wholeheartedly did not support Trinamul. Nakashipara has over 60% muslim population. The party lost in 6 panchyat bodies to BJP directly out of 15 and one zilla parishad seat.
“Please forgive us if anything disgruntled you. There are leaders about whom you might be not satisfied. We understood that benefits of welfare schemes also did not reach yhou. This might cause some resentments among you for which I on behalf of the party apologize to you all. But, for this never invite BJP here”, Partha said.
Over 200 rebel Trinamul candidate who won as independent candidate today rejoined the party today.